November 2023

We're not asking for a seat at the table. We're already here.

What We’re Up To

Zoom Event: Parents Introduction to 504s and IEPs

Please join Eric Willard, WA FAB Board member and special education advocate, at the following days and times for a workshop and group discussion about 504 Plans (504s) and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs):

  • Thursday, November 16th at 6:30 pm

  • Thursday, November 30th at 6:30 pm

These events are focused on charter public school families whose children have 504 plans or IEPs—or who may be in need of additional support to access their education—and open to all families, community members, and staff.

Family Advocacy Meeting Program In The Works

In line with our organizational goals to build and enhance the capacity of educators and families in the “4 C” areas of capabilities, connections, cognition, and confidence, we are developing a family advocacy meeting program based on meetings we held beginning in 2020 and on what we’ve learned from advocating alongside families and educators since then.

Many thanks to Ya’Vonne Hubbard, a Summit Atlas and Summit Sierra parent, who helped us by creating the basic framework and first drafts of meeting guides. After our first round of edits is done, we plan to conduct a pilot run with members of our board and team to gather feedback and identify areas that need to be adjusted to better serve our communities.

Once we have gathered and applied the feedback, we will present the program to charter schools — starting in the Tukwila area — and train them on how to implement the program with their families. Our goal is to launch this program by the 2025-2026 school year.

Parents, caregivers, educators, and school staff, please email Emily McLeod at [email protected] if you’re interested in being part of our family advocacy meeting program when it launches in your area.

Seattle Foundation Neighbor to Neighbor Grant

We are excited to announce that Seattle Foundation has awarded us a Neighbor to Neighbor grant (N2N) to help bring our family advocacy meeting program to Tukwila area charter parents! We are grateful for their support and look forward sharing what we’ve learned and learning from our fellow charter parents as we implement the program.

We Want to Hear from You!

We firmly believe that strong family-school partnerships are vital to school and student success. We also know that every school goes about building relationships with families differently. What have you noticed since the school year began a few months ago? Is your school family-friendly?

Let us know in this survey drawn from Beyond the Bake Sale—The Essential Guide to Family-School Partnerships (our Bookshop link). It will take around 10 minutes to finish. We’ll report back on the results in a future newsletter.

Charter Sector News

Rainier Prep Seeks Family Engagement Manager

Rainier Prep in Seattle, WA is looking for a collaborative, adaptable, mission-aligned person to serve as the school’s Family Engagement Manager. To take a look at the job description:

Whatcom Intergenerational High School Seeks Community Engagement Board Members

Bellingham charter school Whatcom Intergenerational High School (WIHS) is seeking as-needed community volunteers to support youth and families struggling with regular school attendance.

For more information and to apply:

Why Not You Academy Seeks Board Members

Why Not You Academy (WNYA) in Des Moines, WA, is seeking dedicated individuals to serve on their school’s Board of Directors. To apply:

Information from their recruitment flyer:

About The School

A public charter school, WNYA aims to give students a web of supports, experiences, and authentic learning that empowers and equips them to chart their own path for success after graduation.

Current Demographics

Grade Levels: 9th, 10th, 11th

185 Scholars

18 Staff

The Opportunity

As a director on our board, you’ll have the opportunity to guide the leadership of an innovative school, playing a part in the decision-making, budgeting, and strategic planning of a community asset.


1 Meeting/Month

Periodic Committee Meetings

2 Year Term

Renewal and Expansion Season Is Over

Parents, students, and school staff signed into Zoom and traveled to Wenatchee, WA to attend October’s Charter School Commission (Commission) meeting. They spoke about what they wanted to see happen with their school’s renewal and expansion applications.

The result? After deliberation, the Commission granted Summit Atlas a three year renewal and approved Catalyst Bremerton’s application to expand from K-8 to K-12. Watch the meeting below on TVW.

This ends the 2023 contract and renewal season! Look for more information on the 2024 season next summer.

Updates on the Commission’s Complaint Process

Thank you to the families who joined one or both of the Commission’s Complaint Process Focus Group meetings to discuss ESHB 1744 and the required new online complaint system. You can read feedback from the first meeting and from the Commission’s talks with other agencies here.

It was great to hear from parents of students from Why Not You Academy, Summit Atlas, Summit Sierra, Impact | Commencement Bay Elementary, Impact | Puget Sound Elementary, and Spokane International Academy, as well as from parents of students that used to be enrolled in a charter school.

The complaint process information and a complaint form are now live on the Commission’s website. It should also be posted prominently on the website of each of the Commission’s authorized schools along with their own complaint processes. If at all possible, a charter school’s complaint process should be followed before filing a complaint with the Commission.

Upcoming Community Events

Local Charter School Board Meetings

Find your Commission Authorized school here, then click on the school name for where to find information about your school’s board meeting times and agendas.

For Spokane Public Schools Authorized charter schools (Lumen High School and Pride Schools) please go here and scroll down to find your school and the link to their board members and meeting schedule.

Washington Charter School Commission

Thursday, December 14th, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM

Hybrid Bimonthly Meeting at South Seattle College, Seattle, WA

Zoom option: | Dial (646) 558-8656 | Meeting ID 360 725 5511

Washington Charter Schools Association

Tuesday, November 7th, 6:30 PM

Advocacy 201-How to Engage Decision Makers

Tuesday, December 5th, 6:30 PM

Advocacy 301-Run of Show