May 2024

We're not asking for a seat at the table. We're already here.

Our children. Our communities. Our table.

What We’re Up To

WA Charters Building the Future Conference

Our board members attending the WA Charters conference: Dione Napoles-Loo, Tiffany Melligan-Smith, Emily McLeod, Carla Rogenmuser, Eric Willard

As a team, we attended the annual WA Charters Conference at the Hilton in Seatac this past weekend. This was our second year tabling at this event and we had the pleasure of connecting with schools like Lumen, Spokane International Academy, Impact, Summit, Whatcom Intergenerational, Pullman Community Montessori, and the newest charter school, Rooted from Vancouver. We also met several families and parent leaders from schools who were eager to learn about WA FAB's Family Meeting Toolkit and how it can benefit the families at their schools. Please connect with us if you'd like to learn more about this resource.

Our very own Eric Willard hosted a panel that highlighted the importance of fostering effective parent partnerships with families between schools, state entities and the community. The panel included representation from four corners of the charter sector: the Washington State Charter School Commission, represented by Deputy Director Marcus Harden, School Community Engagement leadership, represented by Lenny Emperado from RVLA, parent leadership and advocacy from Summit Olympus parent Yolanda Fontenot, and Emily McLeod from WA FAB. The panel included rich breakout sessions that allowed attendees to share their own thoughts and perspectives around effective communication strategies, barriers to partnering with schools, and how to overcome those barriers. 

Seeing the growth in the community and all the support from families and community partners in attendance filled us with excitement for the future of our students.

What’s Going On in the Charter Community

Celebrating Community Voice

We’re celebrating learning at April’s Commission meeting that over 300 charter families and students participated in the Commission’s recent outreach survey and focus groups to help inform the Commission’s strategic planning work!

Well done! We appreciate the time and effort you put into sharing your thoughts with the Commission. Let’s keep up the efforts to infuse family and student voices into the oversight of the charter schools serving our children and communities.

The Commission’s Renewal Season is Here!

Part of our mission is to support Washington’s innovative charter public schools in being successful. One way families can support schools in caring for our children and working for their success as scholars is through their authentic participation in the charter school contract renewal process.

Renewal is an important moment in the life of a charter school community. As mentioned on the Commission's Renewals page, this is when they, as the school's authorizer, must determine whether a charter school has met its public commitments to the children and families it serves, as well as to the community.

  • If they decide it has and approve the renewal, the school board and leadership will continue to have the privilege of operating that school.

  • If they decide it hasn't and don't approve the renewal, the school board and leadership could lose their contract to operate that school.

Here are the important dates and steps to know for this renewal season:

This year’s Charter Commission-authorized schools up for renewal are:

  1. The Olympic Peninsula’s Catalyst: Bremerton, renewing its contract for the first time.

  2. Tukwila’s Impact | Puget Sound Elementary, up for a second short-term renewal.

  3. South Seattle’s Impact | Salish Sea Elementary, renewing its contract for the first time.

Your authentic and unfiltered thoughts are essential to the charter contract renewal process and to the success of these schools.

Check out our blog, The Charter School Novellas, for more information on each school and how you can personally take part in the renewal conversations.

GiveBig Starts Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the first of two BIG days of giving! Join thousands who are showing their support for their favorite nonprofits. Every donation will help us go further to achieve our mission to support the success of innovative public charter schools in Washington State and their communities, advocate for equitable learning, and amplify the voices of our communities. 

As a result of our direct advocacy support and online IEP & 504 Plan workshops over the last year, families, educators, and staff from Impact | BRE, Impact | SSE, Impact | PSE, Rainier Prep, Rainier Valley Leadership Academy, Why Not You Academy, Summit Sierra, and Summit Atlas are better informed about student and parent rights and the special education and 504 plan processes. We are seeing that parents are more fully able to participate in IEP meetings and get their students appropriate support at school.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Give to WA Family Advocacy Board at

  • Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to help build our momentum by telling all your friends and family why you support our organization through #GiveBIG.

  • Spread the word! Forward this newsletter to your family and friends along with a personal note as to why you believe in our work, and why they should give today.

Tomorrow is your chance to make a real difference right here in your community. Thanks for your support!

Upcoming Charter Community Events

Local Charter School Board Meetings

Find your Commission Authorized school here, then click on the school page to find information about your school’s board meeting times and agendas.

For Spokane Public Schools Authorized charter schools (Lumen High School and Pride Schools) please go here and scroll down to find your school and the link to their board members and meeting schedule.

WA State Charter School Commission Meeting

Thursday, June 13 18th, 10:00 am-4:00 pm

Hybrid Bimonthly Meeting at Green River College Kent Station, 417 Ramsay Way #112, Kent, WA 98032

Virtual option: | Dial (646) 558-8656 | Meeting ID 360 725 5511

Agenda & Materials will be posted here. Sign up to make a written or spoken public comment at this link.