January 2024

We're not asking for a seat at the table. We're already here.

What We’re Up To: We’re Listening!

We understand that Washington’s charter school communities, families, educators, and students have a wide range of experiences across the state depending on school model, location, and so many other factors.

Please let us know what’s going in your school community in this brief survey. Feel free to share the survey link with others.

Share your thoughts here: https://forms.office.com/r/2ztvBTwT8d

What’s Going On in the Charter Sector

Part of our mission is to support Washington’s innovative charter public schools in being successful. One way we do that is by encouraging families, schools, and community members to collectively care for our children and work for their success. Here are two unique ways families and community members can join in supporting student success:

1) Volunteer at WIHS in Bellingham

Whatcom Intergenerational High School (WIHS) is looking for community volunteers to support their intentionally small and intentionally diverse school community. Want to learn more? Email [email protected] or submit this interest form.

2) Join the Why Not You Academy School Board

Why Not You Academy (WNYA) in Des Moine is seeking dedicated individuals to serve on their school’s Board of Directors. To apply: https://tinyurl.com/WNYA-Board-Application

Leader Spotlight: Angela Thomas

We met the principal of the newest expansion to Rainier Valley Leadership Academy (RVLA), Angela Thomas, this month!

RVLA is excited to add a K-5 section to their already thriving 6-12th grade school in South Seattle for the 2024-2025 school year. The elementary school introduces the youngest scholars to Rainier Valley Leadership Academy’s anti-racist, collaborative community of critical thinkers focusing on dismantling systemic oppression through scholar leadership. They will begin the next school year in 2024 with Kindergarten and add one grade level per year up to 5th grade.

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about their Kindergarten program, please fill out this interest form.

Legislative Session Has Begun

Quick Session Guide

Because we’re in an even-numbered year, the legislative session will only be 60 days. It opened on January 8th and will finish on March 7th. You can find all bills related to charter schools and schools and school districts on the Washington State Legislature’s website.

The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has a special education bill tracker you can check out. The Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA) is publishing updates on the bills they are interested in on their Bill Tracker page.

Keep an eye on email newsletters you get from other local or state-level agencies or organizations as they may have their own bill trackers you can review and bookmark.

To create a personalized list of bills you’d like to track, please visit the Detailed Legislative Reports page and click on Selected Bill Tracking. You will be prompted to sign in to your account if you’ve already created one. To create an account, click Sign Up Now and provide an email address and password to make your own bill tracker.

If there’s a bill you’re interested in testifying about or submitting a written comment on, please visit the Participating in the Process webpage to find out how to do that.

If you’d like to see the discussions in a particular committee or hear testimony on a certain bill, you can view upcoming committee hearings and agendas on the legislature’s home page at https://leg.wa.gov/ or go right to TVW at https://tvw.org/ to see recent and upcoming coverage.

An Invitation from WA Charters

With the 2023-3024 legislative session well underway, the Washington State Charters Schools Association, a non-profit school membership and advocacy organization, has a message for you:

Thank you for championing your child’s school and public education everyday! Connect with the WA Charters team for updates, resources, and virtual events.
Sign-Up Today: We are in the midst of the 2024 legislative session right now.
Join us to show your support for charter public schools!
Please scan the QR code above or copy and paste this link: bit.ly/wafab-chartercommunitysignup

Upcoming Community Events

Local Charter School Board Meetings

Find your Commission Authorized school here, then click on the school page for where to find information about your school’s board meeting times and agendas.

For Spokane Public Schools Authorized charter schools (Lumen High School and Pride Schools) please go here and scroll down to find your school and the link to their board members and meeting schedule.

Washington State Charter Schools Association

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The WA Charters Annual Conference at SeaTac, WA

Theme: Building the Future—Community-Powered Education

Washington State Charter School Commission

Thursday, February 8th, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM

Hybrid Bimonthly Meeting at Bates Technical College Downtown Campus, 1101 S. Yakima Ave, Tacoma, WA

According to the Commission’s website: The meeting will take place in the Auditorium, located in Courtyard entrance. All attendees parking on campus are required to have a visitor parking permit on the dashboard of their vehicles.

Zoom option: https://zoom.us/j/3607255511 | Dial (646) 558-8656 | Meeting ID 360 725 5511

Agenda & Materials will be posted here.

Washington Family Engagement

A new Leadership and Advocacy course for parents begins March 2nd. Register with Washington Family Engagement now!

Virtual IPLA - Thursdays 6:30 to 9 pm and Saturdays 9:30 am to 12 noon. Starts Saturday, March 2nd and ends Saturday, May18th.  Register Here!

El Instituto de Liderazgo y Activismo para Padres - Curso virtual en Español. Miércoles de 6:30 a 9 pm y Sábados de 9:30 am a 12 pm. Empieza el Sabado, 2do de Marzo y termina el Sabado, 18 de Mayo. Matriculese aqui!

El Insituto de Liderazgo y Activismo para Padres de Whatcom - Curso Virtual en Español. Martes de 6:30 pm a 9 pm y Sábados de 9:30 am a 12 pm. Empieza el Sabado, 2do de Marzo y termina el Sabado, 18 de Mayo.  Matriculese aqui!