Oops! Family Focus Group Day Correction

We're not asking for a seat at the table. We're already here.

Dear WA FAB Network,

We noticed the last newsletter we sent out last night said that the Charter School Commission’s Family Focus Group is being held on Friday, April 15th when we should have said Monday, April 15th! Our apologies for the mistake, please see the corrected invitation below.


An Invitation from the Charter School Commission to Families

Dear Families,

As a valued member of your charter public school community, we want to hear your voice as part of our strategic planning process for the Washington State Charter School Commission. We are the main authorizer of charter public schools in Washington, and make important decisions about charter schools. We want to increase communication with our school communities to help charter public schools across the state be successful for students.

Your voice is critical, as we plan for the future of charter public schools in Washington State.

There are two ways to get in touch with us, a survey and focus group.

1) Please take the below survey by March 25 to help us learn what matters to you. The survey is translated into four languages:

The survey will take about 20 minutes. Your responses will be anonymous and kept strictly confidential. The data collected will be used only for the strategic planning efforts of the Washington State Charter School Commission.

Also, please share the survey with other people in your school community who may want to get involved. If you have any questions or encounter any difficulties accessing the survey, please email [email protected].

2) Please also join one of our Family Focus Groups on Zoom, Monday, April 15th at 12:00 pm or 6:30 pm.

Thank you in advance for making the time to let us know your thoughts through our survey and focus group! Your voice is vital in shaping the future of charter public schools in Washington.